Eastern Oregon Livestock Show
Community Sponsored Barn

Dear Friends of Eastern Oregon Livestock Show,
I hope this letter finds you well. We are writing on behalf of the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show (EOLS)
to ask for your support in a project that is vital to our community: the construction of a new sheep and
goat barn on our Stock Show grounds.
The Eastern Oregon Livestock Show, the oldest show in the PNW, has been a cornerstone of our region
for over 115 years, bringing together youth, families, businesses, and volunteers in a spirit of
camaraderie and community service. The Stock Show grounds are also home to one of the only four
remaining horse racetracks in Oregon, a unique cultural asset to our state.
However, the current sheep and goat barns are rundown, threatening the quality of experience we
provide for our participants. Each year, over 600 youth participate in our show, learning important life
skills like responsibility, animal husbandry, time and money management, and teamwork through their
involvement in 4-H and FFA. The EOLS is proud to foster this kind of educational environment while
maintaining a strong tradition of volunteerism. Our community-run event hosts approximately 4,500
attendees and generating $650,000.00 annually through the youth livestock auction, with all proceeds
going directly to the participating students and their families across the state.
The new sheep and goat barn will ensure the safety and well-being of both our livestock and the youth
who care for them. It will also allow us to continue providing a high-quality venue for these young
people to learn, grow, and prepare for their futures. However, we cannot achieve this goal without the
support of generous businesses like yours. We would greatly appreciate any assistance you are able to
provide, whether through monetary donations, in-kind contributions of materials or labor, or
sponsorship opportunities. Your support will not only help build a facility that benefits local youth and
families but will also strengthen the economic and cultural fabric of our community.
If you would like to be a sponsor, we have several sponsorship opportunities that we would love to
discuss with you. These sponsorships will be displayed throughout the new barn, ranging from a
banner sponsorship ($1,200) to a Beam Sponsorship ($10,000- broken up over 5 years). Please
reference the insert. Thank you for considering this request. If you would like more information or to
discuss how you or your business can be involved, please don’t hesitate to contact the board directly.
We truly appreciate your support and look forward to partnering with you to keep this proud tradition
alive for many more generations.
Make checks out to:
Eastern Oregon Livestock Show
EOLS Sheep and Goat Project
10507 N McAlister Rd. Suite 10
La Grande, Oregon 97850
Warm regards.