queen Victoria Lattin

My name is Victoria Lattin. I have been raised in Wallowa and Enterprise, Oregon. I am 16 years old and a Junior at Enterprise High School. My parents are Lucie Lattin and David Lattin and my step-parents are Rob Burns and Jeanne Lattin. I am the oldest of two siblings.
I became interested in horses and progressed to riding at the age of 6, taking riding lessons in English riding, I was also a member of Pony Club until the age of 12. I enjoy riding both Western and English, although Western is by far my favorite. As soon as I was of age, I joined the local 4-H and showed sheep for a total of 4 years. I am now very involved in our high school FFA chapter.
I have been a varsity cheerleader for football and basketball for the past 3 years, as well as being very involved in FCCLA and track. I am also a member of our school choir, which has competed and placed in the top 10 in the state for the past 3 years. In addition to school and extracurricular activities, I work at the Eagle Cap Wilderness Pack Station leading strings of horses, clients, and mules. I also help to move cows every spring and fall for multiple families. I am very dedicated in all of my activities and I work extremely hard. I plan on attending Texas A&M or Eastern Oregon University and majoring in agribusiness.
It has always been a dream of mine to be a part of rodeo royalty, and what better rodeo to represent than one that has stayed true to the original, traditional foundation of rodeos. I am very dedicated to working hard to represent the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show court and rodeo to the best of my ability. I am excited to promote not only Eastern Oregon Livestock Show, but all PRCA rodeo’s in a manner that complements and accentuates the rodeo community as a whole. Thank you for the opportunity of allowing me to represent one of the most prestigious local rodeos and giving me the chance to chase my dreams! I look forward to meeting the diverse individuals that are associated with the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show and the ones who will be representing other PRCA rodeos.
I became interested in horses and progressed to riding at the age of 6, taking riding lessons in English riding, I was also a member of Pony Club until the age of 12. I enjoy riding both Western and English, although Western is by far my favorite. As soon as I was of age, I joined the local 4-H and showed sheep for a total of 4 years. I am now very involved in our high school FFA chapter.
I have been a varsity cheerleader for football and basketball for the past 3 years, as well as being very involved in FCCLA and track. I am also a member of our school choir, which has competed and placed in the top 10 in the state for the past 3 years. In addition to school and extracurricular activities, I work at the Eagle Cap Wilderness Pack Station leading strings of horses, clients, and mules. I also help to move cows every spring and fall for multiple families. I am very dedicated in all of my activities and I work extremely hard. I plan on attending Texas A&M or Eastern Oregon University and majoring in agribusiness.
It has always been a dream of mine to be a part of rodeo royalty, and what better rodeo to represent than one that has stayed true to the original, traditional foundation of rodeos. I am very dedicated to working hard to represent the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show court and rodeo to the best of my ability. I am excited to promote not only Eastern Oregon Livestock Show, but all PRCA rodeo’s in a manner that complements and accentuates the rodeo community as a whole. Thank you for the opportunity of allowing me to represent one of the most prestigious local rodeos and giving me the chance to chase my dreams! I look forward to meeting the diverse individuals that are associated with the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show and the ones who will be representing other PRCA rodeos.
princess Elizabeth Herbes

My name is Elizabeth Herbes and I am 18 years old senior at Union High School, my parents are Mike and Janet Herbes. I have 3 sisters. My family has been involved with rodeos all my life and more. I grew up on a ranch outside of Pendleton where I first got involved with rodeos at the Pendleton Round-Up then my sophomore year of high school I moved to Union. My family raises horses and cattle. My mother used to show horses and my father competed in rodeos. I used to show sheep in 4-H. I am involved in FFA and FBLA.
Through the Union FFA program, I started my SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), which includes training and breaking horses. Including my own horses. I have improved as a rider from the times spent on colts who are just having someone under the saddle. My SAE has also taught me how to handle horses and to care for them.
Ever since I can remember, I have been on a horse. I spend most of my summer riding horses all over the mountain trails. I was inspired to be a part of the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show Rodeo Court when I started to pack flags for Stock Show run-ins. Also my sister who was on Pendleton Round-Up court gave me inspiration to see how I can inspire and help other little girls to pursue their dreams.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Herbes
Through the Union FFA program, I started my SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience), which includes training and breaking horses. Including my own horses. I have improved as a rider from the times spent on colts who are just having someone under the saddle. My SAE has also taught me how to handle horses and to care for them.
Ever since I can remember, I have been on a horse. I spend most of my summer riding horses all over the mountain trails. I was inspired to be a part of the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show Rodeo Court when I started to pack flags for Stock Show run-ins. Also my sister who was on Pendleton Round-Up court gave me inspiration to see how I can inspire and help other little girls to pursue their dreams.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Herbes